Who is awesome?

(I am awesome) I am a striving student who wants to achieve many things. I am a very intellegent person who is also very, very fun to be around with...... also I have a twin brother.............

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Student Success Statement
“Character is higher than intellect.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is an amazing quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Many people are extremely intelligent and contribute greatly to our society, but some who possess great minds do not possess great character. Character is deemed higher than intellect, but some do not believe such. Character above all is an important trait expressing both your interior and exterior qualities that are used to distinguish you from others. For example, if you have an online linked bank account and leave for work you may not suspect that an extremely intelligent individual who can contribute a great deal to benefit society, but instead is illegally accessing your bank account and transferring all of your hard earned money into his account for his own benefit and is going to use that money for improper things. Where does that place him? As a proper individual or as a malevolent individual? He is indeed malevolent despite his intelligence because character greatly exceeds the importance of intelligence when it comes to how you are distinguished in society.



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