Who is awesome?

(I am awesome) I am a striving student who wants to achieve many things. I am a very intellegent person who is also very, very fun to be around with...... also I have a twin brother.............

Monday, January 14, 2013

Breaking rocks in the hot sun, I fought the law and the law won......

5 men have chosen to dress in gang related attire and perform gang related crimes and have been sentenced 25 years in prison. These men are facing 25 years in prison becayuse they thought they would not have to face any consequences and would never get caught for doing these devious deeds, but like always they do. Anyone who does something wrong would always face the consequences even if the consequences are not the ones that they expected, why they chose to do thid, I dont know, what I do know is that they made a bad choice and nothing is ever going to change that, you can run, but you can't hide.

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